Evergy commits to RealityU!

Evergy believes that we are only as healthy as the communities in which we live and work. And, our hometowns are as unique as their customers.

“We invest in opportunities that retain and attract business as well as stimulate workforce readiness, access to opportunities for all ages and backgrounds and basic needs that help people contribute to society.”

Recently, Evergy presented The Pando Initiative with a generous gift to support Reality U. This financial literacy program aims to help students gain important financial literacy knowledge to help them plan for their future while recognizing the importance of their education today and how it is tied to their financial future.

Now more than ever, empowering students on the steps they can take to be successful in their financial future is crucial. We are delighted that community partners, like Evergy support our mission and believe that having students who are knowledgeable about their financial health grows stronger communities for all of us.

To learn more about how YOU can bring Reality U to your school, or volunteer for this eye opening and rewarding experience contact Patrick or Jess at psehl@pandokids.org or jciriaco@pandokids.org. Visit the video link here to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnrztIAi3G0

Posted in News on April 18, 2022.

Help Our Children Succeed

Gifts to Pando support the 1,800 students on our caseload and the 25,000 students we serve annually through our PandoKids™ and RealityU™ programs.